Objective 2: Raise the profile of research conducted by members of the College community

Initiative 2.1: Facilitate regular and effective communication about research in order to maximize visibility both inside and outside the University


  1. Develop accessible, easy-to-remember language that explains briefly what it means to do “research” in the arts, with the aim of clearly communicating our research mission and activities to individuals and institutions outside the CFA
  2. Educate faculty about the uses of FAR and Faculty Profiles (e.g., link between FAR and college/unit funding, merit increases, improvement of faculty visibility, and collaborative opportunities)
    1. Develop short, online trainings and one-page handouts for faculty on how to update FAR and Faculty Profile effectively and accurately, using keywords
    2. Clarify the link between research productivity and merit pay increases for tenure-line faculty
  3. Assess existing unit-based, college-wide, or interest-based research groups at which faculty and students can present their work (e.g., School of Music currently has a forum like this) and explore opportunities for support and expansion
  4. Share information about all types of research (i.e., not just performances and exhibitions) with Marketing & Communications
  5. Develop communication strategy to raise profile of AIHIL—branding events and activities, increase traffic to website, publicizing activities and events connected to arts-in-health via CFA website and AIHIL website
  6. Network with national and international colleagues involved with arts-in-health activities, esp. at R1 institutions

Initiative 2.2: Leverage the status of the University as a “highest intensity research” institution to attract and retain top graduate and undergraduate students from all over the country


  1. Assess current involvement of students in faculty research, conduct inventory of available resources and incentives for involving students in faculty research, conduct inventory of barriers to student involvement in faculty research (including examination of RPT policies); eliminate barriers when possible; reassess at end of plan period
  2. Disseminate information on resources to faculty and students at regular intervals through a variety of means (e.g., research newsletter, stories in owned media about research including student assistants, faculty meetings, college council, new faculty orientation, town hall meetings)
  3. Incentivize student involvement in faculty research through recognizing achievements in research mentorship (newsletters, blog, social media, etc)
  4. Support and promote student-driven research efforts
    1. By framing such efforts as “research” when publicizing the work, including curricular and extra-curricular work
    2. By directing students to FAF grants, the Office for Undergraduate Research and the UROP program, the Graduate School, other CFA, University, and external funding opportunities

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