Accessibility Tools

Check In With Academic Advising

It is recommended that you meet with an academic advisor each term. Also you can check in with an academic advisor whenever you:

- Have questions
- Need advice or a referral
- Don’t know where to start

Book an academic advising appointment

Run a Degree Audit

Degree Audit is the best way to track your academic progress

When to check your degree audit?

- After your register for classes
- Once grades are posted
- Planning for the future

How to Run a Degree Audit (PDF)

Log into your CIS Account

Need help interpreting? Come meet with an Advisor!

Set the Foundations for Success

Sleep, move your body, eat/drink well, and declutter. These core practices help us set the foundation to build and keep healthy habits overall.

Watch this video from Gretchen Rubin Listen to Gretchen Rubin’s podcast, Happier

Check Involvement Opportunities

University Clubs

FAF Grants (for CFA Sponsored Student Organizations)
Departmental Student Advisory Committees (SACS)

The Creative Brief eNewsletter

site by third sun