Objective 1: Engage communities in a broad range of campus arts offerings and lifelong learning opportunities

Initiative 1.1: Establish a shared vision of what community-engaged teaching, research, and experiences are in the CFA


  1. Generate dialogues with and gather input from college leadership, faculty, staff, and students surrounding research philosophies on community engagement
  2. Craft a college value statement to be adopted by the CFA


Initiative 1.2: Increase awareness and participation in student community-based learning opportunities


  1. Increase the number of ArtsBridge Internships to support paid community-engaged learning experiences for undergraduate and graduate students in traditional and non-traditional learning spaces
  2. Develop a pilot program to catalog community-engaged internship opportunities in order to recruit students and enhance faculty investment
  3. Analyze the viability of the Sustainability Teaching Scholars Program model, as a potential method to build cross-campus awareness of arts-based learning and community-engaged initiatives

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