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The University of Utah College of Fine Arts participated in the 2022 Strategic National Arts Alumni Project – a one-of-a-kind survey that explores the lives of arts alumni nationwide. Thank you to those alumni who participated. Here are some of our findings... 

For more information, visit the SNAAP website.

Graphic that says:  Overall satisfaction •	86% of alumni rated their overall experience at the U while pursuing their degree as excellent or good. •	88% of alumni who graduated within the last 3 years were satisfied with the overall quality of their instructors.  •	79% of alumni reported they would recommend the U to another student like them.

Graphic that says:  Skills developed How many of our alumni who graduated within the last 3 years reported developing these skills:  •	91% artistic technique •	91% creative thinking and problem-solving •	88% to adapt to changing circumstances •	87% critical thinking •	84% communication •	83% resilience •	71% project management

Graphic that says:  Belonging Of alumni who graduated within the last 3 years:  •	95% said they felt respected by their instructors and faculty, and 96% said they felt respected by their classmates. •	94% said they felt valued by their instructors and faculty, and 92% said they felt valued by their classmates.
Graphic that says:  Diversity Of alumni who graduated within the last 3 years:  •	85% learned about creative works from diverse cultures or from creators with diverse backgrounds within their coursework •	78% reported learning from guest speakers, artists, or other visiting professionals who represent a diversity of identities. •	71% reported learning from faculty and instructors who represent diverse identities.

Graphic that says:  Career preparations on the rise Compared to all CFA alumni, those who graduated within the last 3 years: •	Were 9 percentage points more likely to have utilized career services offerings. •	Were 26 percentage points more likely to being satisfied with the quality of advising about academics, career, or further education. •	Were 12 percentage points more likely to have completed an internship, apprenticeship, or other professional work-training relevant to their degree.

Graphic that says:  Finding employment After earning their arts degree, 84% of alumni took less than a year to find a job or pursued further education. •	60% in less than 4 months  •	14% in 4-12 months  •	10% pursued further education •	16% in more than a year

Graphic that says:  Art work Top 10 arts occupational fields in which alumni currently work:  •	Arts educator  •	Musician •	Arts administrator or manager •	Dancer or choreographer •	Graphic designer •	Illustrator •	Art director •	Film, TV, or video artist •	Fine artist •	Writer, author, or editor

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