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Studio Magazine is the official magazine of the University of Utah College of Fine Arts. With a strong emphasis on the efficacy of art in our modern and political world, Studio examines the intersections of art and university culture, as well as the various contributions the College of Fine Arts makes to the University of Utah, and the world at large. A collection of voices and perspectives from artists, scholars, writers, and activists, Studio is both a celebration of art and the artistic community here at the University of Utah, and how that community and cohort operates as agents of social change that aim to transform our perceptions of the world. In Studio, we showcase the prowess and prestige of our faculty and student body to inspire readers to both reimagine the purpose and nature of art itself, and to understand the value art has in a world desperately in need of it. Most importantly, we want to provide readers an intimate window into the creative, enigmatic, and critical enterprises that come with the process of creating, and how that process encapsulates the College of Fine Arts mission to reach, alter, and inspire the community around us for better, as well as the global community we all inhabit.

Studio: the place where diligence and excellence become influence.

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