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We strive to bring arts experiences back to kids at schools with the limited resources. This year, 10 scholars brought the arts to nearly 500 K-12 students in 10 schools and community partner sites!

The ArtsBridge America program is an arts education outreach program that provides a valuable experience for university students to work with K-12 students. At the University of Utah, we put priority on working with Title 1 schools, and other borderline schools that lack in consistent high quality arts programming.

The program model creates university and public school partnerships that allow university students and K-12 school teachers the opportunity to create and implement lessons that integrate the arts into the traditional curriculum in ways that address both specific classroom needs as well as state and national standards in visual and performing arts.
Over the course of a semester, or the school year, the university’s ArtsBridge students spend 2-3 hours a week in the classrooms integrating art, dance, drama, digital art, and/or music to create unique lessons in the arts linked to language arts, math, science, and/or social studies.

Art Challenge Lesson for Kids

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