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The 2023 Dean’s Choice Award  "The Holy Lies and Hidden Truth," a piece by student Rebecca Weber, has received the 2023 Dean's Choice Award.  This is the first piece in the Dean’s collection to feature embroidery on cloth medium. 

As Weber, an Art Teaching major in the University of Utah Department of Art and Art History describs her work, "'The Holy Lies and Hidden Truths' embroidery piece is intended to be a play on the notion that lies are kept behind the back. In this embroidery piece, the lies put forward by the figure are in the light and clear to see, in a way they are being honest and upfront about the lies that they are putting up. It is the truths, which they conceal behind their back, that they do not share with the audience." 

"Winning the Dean’s Award is surreal in many ways," Weber said. "To me, it feels very validating that my art could be seen and desired to be owned, or put into a place to be looked up to for years to come, especially as that art is in a traditional but underestimated medium –– embroidery –– and comes from an often overlooked sect of artists: an art teaching major." 

The piece is on view in the Gittins Gallery in the ART building, as part of the Student Art Exhibition through April 25. Go check it out! 

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