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College of Fine Arts Internship Coordinator Kate Wolsey has been named one of 2022's Career Champions of the Year by the University of Utah Career & Professional Development Center!

Awardees are faculty and staff who have gone above and beyond to support students in their career development. As Internship Coordinator, Kate helps connect CFA students to valuable experiential learning opportunities in the community, and career resources that will help them reach their goals. She also leads the team of ArtsForce Emerging Leaders Interns as they help students articulate the value of their degrees and transition from college to the workforce. 

One nominator wrote: 

"I have seen Kate champion each of the students she comes into contact with – providing professional connections, taking extra time to address students' specific concerns, and following up with them to see how they are progressing with their goals. Once a student has met with Kate, she is invested in their success. She still stays touch with students who have gone on to exciting professional opportunities post-graduation, continuing to cheer them on and offer lasting mentorship." 

Thank you Kate, for all you do for our students! 

CFA Staff

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