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Calling undergraduate students of any major! 

Perhaps you’ve found a terrific internship to gain vital work experience and move you closer to your career goals! However, the opportunity is unpaid. 

Fear not. You can still seize this opportunity. 

Apply today for Step Up funding from U Career Success

  • Find an internship to take place during the 2023-2024 academic year that aligns with your major and/or career goals.
  • Apply on Handshake from November 5 to December 12, 2024 to be eligible for the Spring 2025 program.
  • Step Up interns may receive $13/hour for up to 19 hours/week for 11 weeks—that's up to $2,717. They also meet with a career coach and complete a final project to share details of their internships with other U students.
  • If you are eligible for work-study, tick the box as indicated on the application. Work-study allows U Career Success to make funds available to more students.
  • A maximum of one Step Up award per student.

Past Step Up Internship successes: 

Salt Lake Arts Council 
Xhantall Aguilar
Student, Department of Art & Art History \

I was drawn to working with the Salt Lake Arts Council based on the projects and events they hold. As an artist, I never really see what is considered "behind the scenes" of art related events and projects and wanted to explore that more. I was hoping to be able to  see and experience a range of responsibilities within the council and that is exactly what happened! I worked with each department on different projects, doing research on a variety of topics such a immigration or the arts in the Olympics. Seeing all these different sides of the arts helped me understand my role as an artist and community member of Salt Lake. Exposing me to all kinds of artists, organizations and opportunities. It was an amazing experience!

Leicester Productions
Sarah Benedict
Student, Department of Film & Media Arts

"Interning for Leicester Productions has been an incredibly motivating experience. This internship was unique in that it tapped into several of my interests: graphic design, social media, and filmmaking. My supervisors, who were endlessly supportive of my work, encouraged me to create custom, illustrated stickers for their sticker drive when they learned that I design stickers in my free time. This task was particularly fulfilling because I felt that they truly valued my particular interests and were willing to cater the internship to suit me specifically. In working with Leicester Productions, I felt that not only was I finally practicing my skills within a professional and uplifting environment, but that I was findings unique ways that I can implement the different skills I have gained from my degree into my future career."

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